July PPC match results…

Today was blistering hot and humid at the Nanticoke Sportsman’s Club in Seaford, DE. Before the match commenced I was already drenched in sweat. The first relay went off without a hitch earning me a 457-21X. This equaled the lowest score of my high three average save for an extra “X”. My second relay got loose and I wound up with a 455-20X. One relay left to fire and I was tired.

Stage “A”. Out of a possible 180-18X I fired a near perfect score!

Stage “B”. The second half of the match is much more difficult as it has the barricade portion at twenty-five yards. My real difficulty is the six rounds fired from the weak hand side of the barricade. I really bore down and used every second of allotted time. When the smoke cleared, we walked down to score our targets. At first glance, I noticed only three “8”s outside the group. Grand total for the relay was a 462-20X. My high average now moved up to 461.66 points @ 96.18%.

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