Norwegian Stangskyting…

Today I was practicing for one of next month’s rifle matches.A modified version of the Stangskyting  match, it centers around speed and accuracy. In CMP matches, I am used to the rapid fire stage consisting of 10 rounds in 80 seconds. Apparently; to the mad men of Norway, that is agonizingly slow. For them it is 16 rounds in twenty-five seconds! That is just over 1.5 seconds per shot… not including reloading in the middle!


I was able to get good hits but I ran over the time limit. I need to shave a full nine seconds off before the match! At the end of this, the top four scorers go on to an elimination stage. Standing to prone, two rounds each on four targets. The time halts with the first shooter to finish. Top score wins.


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1 Response to Norwegian Stangskyting…

  1. Frederick303 says:

    Seems like a neat event

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