October’s Rifle Match

I can never seem to do as well in a match as I do in practice. Yesterday, I fired a 271-12X. Today; however, I couldn’t get my head in the game. Sure, the wind was gusty and the sky alternated between sunny and overcast. But in the end, it was all NOT me.

Slowfire Prone

I was doing ok until I cowboyed shots 6,7 and 8. High left in the white. Score: 91-0X

10-26 Prone

Rapidfire Prone

Standing to prone, ten rounds in 80 seconds. When the fire command was given, I flopped down into the prone position and chambered the first round. After the first two rounds fired, I reloaded a full clip of eight and took a look through my spotting scope. Two holes in the black, a “9” and a “10”. Getting back into position, I was leaning too hard against the rifle sling. The remaining eight rounds were strung to the left with five “8”s and a “6”. Score: 83-0X

10-26 Rapid

Slowfire Standing

I really lost it here. I alternated back and forth between good and bad. In the black, in the white and so on. Score: 79-0X. Match total: 253-0X

10-26 Standing

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